Drug cartels in Mexico

I think that it is a very good topic. It talks about reality and how the people in Mexico live and how they have to live and experiencing such horrible things. Also it sounds like a good thing to know what is going around are world, and how people suffer in Mexico and to notice all the good things we have and what kind of people we have over here that they don't. What surprised me was that the journalist Jeff Antebi, Had been to numerous places such as the slums of Haiti or Brazil and Juarez was very different from them. "The average ordinary resident of Juarez, their life was in danger every day." And the other thing was that the police officers had to ware ski masks to hide their identity when investigating the cartel crimes. It was important to ware them so they wouldn't put their life's in danger or their families. It's sad how the cartels kill anyone, there is a lot of "mistaken identity". People are die left from right. 

My favorite picture would be the one where the guy is is tied up, hands from back and bullet to he's head in the back of the car, Because it just shows how bad the cartels have gotten.

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