neww thing

Balancing Elements

Leading Lines

Symmetry and Patterns



Details- I think it has a good detail because the photographer got up close and you can see the laces clearly.
Light- I think this is a good "Light" photo because on the two certin buildings the sun is hitting the sides. The other building are black, and light is finding it's way.
       Patterns- This is a good picture of patterns because they all look the same.


photo 2

photo 1

photo 3

somewhat done

-Nautilus House, Mexico'

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Javier Senosiain, Arquitectura Orgánica
2. When was it built? 2006
3. Where is it located? Mexico City, Mexico
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? Private
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? No
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? A young couple with two children from Mexico City who after living in a conventional home wanted to change to one integrated to nature. The goal of this project was to make it feel like an internal inhabitant of a snail, like a mollusk moving from one chamber to another, like a symbiotic dweller of a huge fossil maternal cloister.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
 I chose this building because it looked very interesting. It is unusual to see a house like this but I find it very attractive.
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?the world architecture survey among architect experts.
2. When was it built? oct18, 2007.
3. Where is it located?Abando, Bilbao, Spain
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?No.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?No.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I liked it cause it looked like a ship but turns out to actually be a museum.
Its also cool that it's over the water.
Nord LB building, Germany
1. Who is the architect? Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner
2. When was it built? 2002
3. Where is it located? Hannover Germany
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? Only the restaurant and the exhibition center.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? No
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? It was created to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and promote the use of natural daylight.
7. Why did you pick this building? I picked this building because its like a Tetris game that went bad. It also creative like all the other ones I picked.
1. Who is the architect? Leo Chang
2. When was it built? Early 80's
3. Where is it located? 15 kilometers from the capital of Taiwan
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? It can be visited by tourist
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? No
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?  It was meant to be a hotel but was never completed
7. Why did you pick this building? I picked this building because I thought it was a very unique building. I think the building shows a lot of creativity from the architect but I agree with having it demolished


They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.

Orphans in the cold war era had parents in the U.S and they are capture by the FBI to be killed for spreading information to the soviet union.

Orphans of the cold war
Parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.
United States of America
Delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.
Sing and now they are going to be killed

After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000, a comic expert told CNN Thursday.

The supper man first comic is out to sell and now it for sell and the one who game the grader bid is going to take it and have to pay.

"Action Comics No. 1"
After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000, a comic expert told CNN Thursday.
Co-created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the comic book first appeared on newsstands for 10 cents a copy in June 1938.
dose not say where it took place
Is a unique comic no one has lol
he keepit and now is a lot of money and now he is rich

warm up

1.Jacob is playing with the goat while on the field school trip to the barn. He let the goat out, now he has to run after it. d:

2. "Running after the goat was pretty tiring , especially cause it was such a hot day outside and  I was wearing a sweeter. I wont try to handle a goat again cause that was some running" Jacob said.

-merges; it looks like the motorcylces in the back are coming out of his back.

Caption writting practice

1.  Courtney Jackson is smiling at the camera while shes taking pictures at burger stadium in Austin TX.
2. She was taking pictures of Akins losing their football game.
1. Brandon Wastin is shooting to make a shooting to bring Akins ahead in the game against Bowie. Where Akins wins at home, 67-89.
2. Brandon Wastin shot a free shoot and brought Akins ahead of Bowie. Bowie lost 67-89.
1. David, senior at Akins is painting such a beautiful pattern picture in art.
2. First place in the Art contest went to David A., Senior at Akins. He drew a picture of symmetry and patterns.
-Merger-the girls phone grows out of his forhead.

1.The most popular muesum in the untied states is where the most smallest adult owl is. Students were studing the owl for a science lab the professer was holding the owl while it opended its eyes at daylight time. Something most owls don't do.

Spring Shoot photo prompts



1. I liked everything excpet they wern't colored photos.
The way he took the photos is really good too.
2. I like the one where the lion is on the slim tree, because it just looks like the lion doesnt have a way to get up there , sort of like they photoshoped it.
3. Look up the photographer –
a.     What kind of camera did he use?
he uses  a Pentax 67II with two fixed lenses
b.     What is his reason for taking the photos?
to take them of the animals before they are gone by humans.
c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
To do a funraiser to save them.
d.     Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog
"This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us. To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes."

4. Find one of his photos that you really like and post it on your blog.


Who? Japan and all it's people.

What? The radation from their power plant is goin all over the place.
The consquences are that the people could get cancer with the radition.

When? A couple of weeks ago.

Where? Japan

Why? They didn't sign a thing that says to stop all the necluar plants and they didnt sign it, so now the all this stuff is happening to the world.

How? It's going to coast a lot to fix and everything like that.
It worries me cause knowing that the radation is now reaching America.

baseball player

Who? Randy Velarde and some of his teamates.

What? People are acussing him of taking drugs from his tranier.


Where? New york

Why? Because he did stariods.

How? People witnessed him buying stuff from his tranier. And It doesn't affect me in any way.


Who? Teachers and people that work for AISD.
Who is involved? district parents, employees and administrators.
Who does/did the situation affect? the teachers.
Who said so? Well they wont have a job, without a job they don't have money.

What? Teacher's are at risk of losing their jobs.
What is happening? A million dollar shotfall.
What are the consequences? School's will lose teachers, and some schools will close.
What are the choices? Cutting teachers and closing schools.

When? 2011-2012 , 2012-2013. They are revising budget on April 11.

Where? AISD.

Why? They are going to close and cut teachers off BECAUSE AISD doesn't have enought money.

How? I dont know, but they have no other choice.
How many people does this affect? If effects everyone in AISD.
How do you feel about this? I feel like they have to do whatever they have to do to make eveything how it was before this million dollar shortfall.

Interviewing skills PART 2

1: Whats your name? Andrew
2: What grade are you in? 10th
3: Do you like your classes? yes
4: Are your teachers good in teaching what you need to be tought? yes
5: Do they put all their effort in teaching? yes
6: Do they help you in any way possible? yes they stay after school if they have too.
7: How did you become the student of the month? by getting good grades
8: Is this your first time? Yes, never been student of the month before.
9: Is it any different than not being "Student of the month"? Nothing besides people knowing your student of the month.
10:Have you ever been student of the month before? No
11.What have you done to become student of the month? Good grades and pay attention
12.How does it feel to be student of the month? Feels good
13.What advice do you have to others who want to be student of the month? Get good grades and work hard.
14.What qualities do you think a student of the month has to have? Have good attitude
15.How has being student of the month changed you? It hasn't effected me much.
16:How do you feel about being student of the month? Feels good
17: Are you happy about being the student of the month? Yes Im proud of myself
18: What does it take to become student of the month? Good grades and hard work
19: How do people respond about being student of the month? Feels good that your that your worth something
20: Is being student of the month important? Not all the time.


3: Do you like your classes? yes.
What do you like about your classes? Is there any good friends in there?
4: Are your teachers good in teaching what you need to be tought? yes 
What are some things they do to help you understand if you dont understand?

5: Do they put all their effort in teaching? yes 
How do you know they put effort in teaching you?
How can you tell? 

Student of the Month Interview

Imagine you are working, as a reporter, for the school newspaper and your editor gives you the assignment to interview the student of the month.

1. Please come up with 20 questions you could ask them and post them on your blog in a separate post called Student of the Month Interview.
1: Whats your name?
2: What grade are you in?
3: Do you like your classes?
4: Are your teachers good in teaching what you need to be tought?
5: Do they put all their effort in teaching?
6: Do they help you in any way possible?
7: How did you become the student of the month?
8: Is this your first time?
9: Is it any different than not being "Student of the month"?
10:Have you ever been student of the month before?
11.What have you done to become student of the month?
12.How does it feel to be student of the month?
13.What advice do you have to others who want to be student of the month?
14.What qualities do you think a student of the month has to have?
15.How has being student of the month changed you?

Interviewing skills

-I would interview the school board comity, and the person in charge of all AISD schools.
I would ask, why would you want to in force this rule? Don't you think there would be a high rate in drop outs?
1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.
1. Teachers
2. Princables
3. Superintendent

2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each.
1: Do you think this will effect the students learning?
2: Will you provide the uniforms?
3: What if kids can't afford to buy the schools are asking for?
4: Do you think the drop out rate increase?
5: Have you done research in other districts that enforce dress code?
6: How do you think students will react to this?
7: Do you actually think students will ware this?
8: If they don't follow the dress code, what are the consequences?
9. What do you think about wearing uniforms everyday to school?
10. Do you think its neccessary if not why?
11. What would be a neccessary reason to have uniforms at our school?
12.Do you think it will be a good idea or a bad idea for our school?
13.Why or why not have uniforms?
14 .Do you think other classmates care about what you wear?
15. Will your parents get involved or not?

Touching people d:

1. I like how they don't act like their strangers, they seem like they've known eachother for a while.
2. I would actully do it, it seems like I would laugh a lot.
3.I think it will be interesting.
4. He took a lot of good pictures, and random.


This photo really shocks me because the street/land rose up, and the ocean is now going down like a waterfall into the land.

When I see this photo I think about how big the wave was coming in from the ocean while people were at work. Must of been scary for them to know that a big wave was going to hit and not have enough time to get away from it.

When I see this photo, I feel scared more than anything. Theres a whirle pool right on the coast of Japan. It must be really deep and a lot of water for there to a whirle pool.


This is a perfect picture for a building, because it shows like the middle of a hall way and the rest of the hall way and inside a building, even though it's not the outside of a building.

Willie smiling represents Happy(: Because of his beautiful smile.
Akins-This would represtent Akins because that's our mascots. No other school in Austin has a eagle as a mascot besides Akins.


I think this is the best/ my favorite because it's colorful, and i looks like their celebrating Madi-Gras. [:
It didn't really influence me to buy a phone because I was to busy looking at the hands.

Types of mazagine covers

1.Early magazine covers-bar code, date, almost always painting, mostly morals,
2.the poster cover-no border, the subject is clear, text doesn't distract the cover, the picture has to be really good, or really recognizable, married to type-the letters don't get in the way of the picture,you can see the photo better, doesn't distract you, the words go with the photo,
Disadvantages:you don't know what else is inside,
4.In the forest of words-Means there's a lot of words around the picture, different sizes, different fonts, different colors, their everywhere,
Disadvantages:Put to many things-don't know where to look, you don't want the letters covering your pictures,

Stuff you find on a magazine cover-

Magazine cover

a.) Have you taken Happy, Akins, Building?Yes
b.) Have you completed the assignment called Welcome Back?Yes
c.) Have you done the blog called Portrait/Self-Portrait tips and ideas?Yes
d.) Have you taken Portrait/Self-Portrait photos with my camera or yours and turned in the film? If yes - move on to the next assignment. If no - come get a camera from me and go shoot TODAY.


When I do my magazine cover I will be thinking about
1)How the letters are going to fit.
2)How it's going to make money.
3)How it looks interesting. 
4)Try to make it easy for someone to scan.
5)Make sure, it's it!, Will over rule other magaizine.

1. informal
2. informal
3. environmental
9. environmental
10. informal
11. environmental
13. environmental
15. informal
18. environmental
19. formal
20. environmental
21. environmental
22. formal
23. informal
24. informal
26. formal
27. informal
28. environmental
29. informal/environmental
29. informal
31. formal/environmental
32. formal
35. formal
36. formal
37. formal/environmental
37. formal
37. formal


Portrait and self-portrait tips and ideas

Self Portraits-
1)If you’ve got a remote trigger, that’s usually a better and more controllable than trying to use the self-timer.

2)Use a mirror! It seems so obvious, but how to use mirrors is important, too – take it down from the wall, and experiment! Here’s a couple of examples to get you started: ValpoHB, Could it be a mirror on the floor?, Reflection of Myself, Alive and Her Reflection.

Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.

This is one of my favorite photo because of the background-it's SO colorful, and looks Tye-dye.
The guy matches the background really well because of he's tattoos and he's physical features.

New Blog

This is one of my favorite picture because the point of view makes it really cool , it looks like he's going to land on the city. The mountain's look really cool at the background also.

This photo is one of my favorites out of all because it looks like the wall is somewhat shattered glass and the floor looks like water and the wall is reflecting on it.
This picture is one of my favorites because it looks like their coming out of the snow. And they look like their high in the sky and racing to get on the floor and it just looks like their popping out of the background.

The best song of 2010 would have to be the whole songs from Kush and OJ from Wiz Khalifa.

The best movie of 2010 for me is The book of Eli.

The Most important story of 2010 would the The Drug Cartels.

The most important person in 2010 would be my Mother.

The biggest person in 2010 is Katy Perry


1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
Being with my Family in Laredo Texas and going to see  the border.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2011 year?
To make good choices and tell the truth to my mom and try to make her happy!(:

3. What are you looking forward to in 2011?
Going to see my family more often, softball, and six flags!
