Mergers and avoiding them




leading lines


This photo has Simplicity because the building has the smoke surrounding it so its like its noticeable what your looking at.


He's original name is Gyula Halász. He's a french artist. Born on September 9, 1899 in Austria-Hungary and died July 8, 1984, Nice, France. He trained as an artist and lived in Paris. There he started to worked as a sculptor, painter, and journalist and he would work with a lot of different people such as Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, and Henry Miller. At the time he didn't like photography but then he figured he could use it in some of his journalistic assignments. So yeah he went to photography after that.


The things I see different in my picture are the cars, Cindy, sky, its opposite sides now. The building is on the left side of the picture on the negative and the negative the building is on the right. 

 Negative- noting an image in which the brightness values of the subject are reproduced so that the lightest areas are shown as the darkest and an image that's the opposite of a "positive"      My negative looks different from my positive cause like EVERYTHING is opposite.  


There is a lot of discussion in the photo because the photo on top has them celebrating about what happend over here in America and the bottom picture has discussion as well cause "all flights are cancelled".

Avoiding Mergers

This is a far away picture so you can't really see any Mergers so therefore its avoiding mergers.


This is a good framing and merger picture because well first it's a good framing photo because the shadow of the buildings are putting the smoke and fire colorful and it's in the center.


The Rule of Thirds

There in the tic tack toe lines.


This is the Introduction of what happened on 9/11!


The lines in the building are verticals. 
Flash-A device used in photography producing an artificial light.
Aberration- A lens fault in which light rays are scattered, degrading the image.
Auto Focus: allows the photographer to point the camera at a scene
Back Lighting: lighting behind a subject

depth of field
focal length